Latest Covid 19 Update

Updated 30th May 2021

COVID-19 Protocols when attending NWTC Centre – Update 30th May 2022

 NWTC no longer mandates the wearing of masks in our centre, however, the wearing a mask is down to an individual’s choice.

NB Face coverings may still be required in healthcare settings, although patients no longer need to socially distance from each other in NHS hospitals, GP surgeries and emergency departments.

 If you test positive for COVID, NWTC request that you do not attend the centre. 

 For further guidance:

Apprentices should contact Student Support on 0151 522 6823/6815 or email

 Staff should contact their Line Manager


As always, we will keep measures under review and react to any changes in circumstances, further stepping down or stepping up measures as necessary.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II