18th Edition IEE Wiring Regs

1 day course - Training update on the 18th edition and exam - this is aimed at electricians who have 17th Edition including upto 3rd amendment. This is costed at £195 per person.


2 day course - In depth training update on the 18th edition and exam. aimed at  those who have the 17th Edition but no amendments. This is costed at £250 per person.


3 day course - This is primarily aimed at practising electricians and other allied professionals e.g. electrical engineers, contracts managers, designers and other related trades needing to update and enhance their understanding of the IEE Wiring Regulations. It is intended to ensure that on completion individuals are conversant with the format, content and the application of the 18th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations. £445 per person.

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The Achievement Measurement 2 (AM2)


Gas Programs